Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Adoption Council of OntarioToronto Adoption resource centre * workshops and seminars for prospective adoptive parents, and child welfare and mental health professionals * Youth Network includes youth-led education, advocacy, and peer ...
ARCH Disability Law CentreToronto Community legal clinic Summary Advice and Referral -- confidential advice and information related to disability issues * telephone service * limited representation in test case litigation * representa ...
Arthritis Society CanadaToronto Downtown Central Funds and promotes arthritis education, research-based solutions and community-based support Education, programs and support to people living with arthritis: Arthritis Rehabilitation and Education Pro ...
Britt Area Public LibraryParry Sound, Unorganized, Centre Part Public library with public computers and Internet access.
Burk's Falls, Armour & Ryerson Union Public LibraryBurk's Falls Public library offering: * free high-speed Wi-Fi via public computers * access to Ancestry and Local History Archives * printing and office services (faxing and photocopying) * weekly youth programs f ...
Callander Public LibraryCallander Public library offering: Lending Services * Books & Media: Books, DVDs, Magazines, audiobooks, decodable readers. * Interlibrary Loan: Access to materials from other libraries in Ontario. * Library o ...
Children's Mental Health OntarioToronto Find a Centre: online directory of accredited children's mental health centres Links Directory * online listing of website resources * information on children's mental health for children and youth, ...
CLEO, Steps to JusticeToronto Online legal information on common legal problems including family law, housing law, employment law, refugee and immigration law, criminal law, youth criminal law, income assistance, health and disabi ...
Dietitians of Canada - UnlockFood.caToronto Downtown Central Consumer health website with a special focus on nutrition and health * articles and resources on website Topics include: * child/toddler nutrition * meals and nutrition for vegetarians * weight and he ...
Dunchurch Community CentreWhitestone Community Centre * Internet hub available for public use
Elder Abuse Prevention Muskoka, Bracebridge- No Physical AddressBracebridge Free confidential information and referral for individuals who are being abused and or who suspect someone is. Provides community awareness and information on elder abuse through: * literature * spea ...
Kearney and Area Public LibraryKearney Public library with the following services: * books, large print books, magazines, interlibrary loan, talking books, dvd's and video games * computer and internet access, wireless internet * fax and p ...
Magnetawan Public LibraryMagnetawan Public library services include: * DVD movies * audio books, large print books * books, magazines * community computer access with internet, wireless internet * printing, photocopying, laminating, fax ...
McKellar Public LibraryMckellar Public library: * books, audio books, talking books * videos and dvd movies * five computers with internet access * computer training * interlibrary loan
National Student Loans Service CentreMississauga Support and information on obtaining student loans and other financial assistance * online services include checking loan details and status, updating mailing and permanent addresses and other contact ...
OCASI - Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, NewYouth.caOntario Website with information and resources for newcomer youth in Ontario on topics: * daily life * school including student financial aid * work * immigration * health ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General. Justice OntarioToronto Online legal information -- finding a lawyer, tickets and fines, lawsuits and disputes, family and criminal law, human rights, wills and estates Does not provide legal advice ...
P4P Planning Network, P4PToronto P4P connects relative, friend or caregiver of a person with a disability to a powerful network of professionals, organizations and agencies to assist with relationship building to school transitions, ...
Parry Sound Public LibraryParry Sound Offers a large collection of books, eBooks, magazines, DVDs, audiobooks and more. Also has free computer stations and wireless internet access. Has programs for everyone in Parry Sound.
Perry Township Public Library, EmsdalePerry Public library providing: * books, magazines, large print books,audio books * interlibrary loan program * DVD movies * photocopying and faxing services * computer access with internet, wireless intern ...
Powassan and District Union Public LibraryPowassan Public library services include: * books, audio books, large print, magazines * inter-library loans * videos, DVD movies * Computers, free Internet access, printers * fax and photocopying services (fo ...
Prosper Canada, Financial EmpowermentToronto Assistance in developing programs which focus on financial literacy and coaching, helping people with low income to file taxes and access government benefits, improving access for low income people t ...
Seguin Public Libraries, Christie BranchSeguin Municipal libraries located at Rosseau, Humphrey, Christie and Foley providing: * books, magazines, local newspapers * video, DVD movies * public access computers with internet, free wifi * kids zone ...
Seguin Public Libraries, Foley BranchSeguin  
Seguin Public Libraries, Humphrey Main BranchSeguin Municipal libraries located at Rosseau, Humphrey, Christie and Foley providing: * books, magazines, local newspapers * video, DVD movies * public access computers with internet, free wifi * kids zone ...
Seguin Public Libraries, Rosseau BranchSeguin Municipal libraries located at Rosseau, Humphrey, Christie and Foley providing: * books, magazines, local newspapers * video, DVD movies * public access computers with internet, free wifi * kids zone ...
South River-Machar Union Public LibrarySouth River Public library offers: * books, magazines, interlibrary loans * local history collection * DVD and Blu-Ray movies * audio books, Playaways * internet access and computer workstations * fax, photocopyi ...
Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada, Canadian Sport Helpline  Canadian Sport Helpline for sports related issues * offer support to victims and witnesses of harassment, abuse and discrimination * anonymous, confidential and independent service * share and validat ...
Sundridge-Strong Union Public LibraryJoly Public library serving the Village of Sundridge, Township of Strong and Township of Joly Offers: * books, magazines, large-print books, audio books * e-books, audio books and e-magazines on Libby * C ...
West Parry Sound Geography NetworkParry Sound Committee which helps to provide access to geographical information pertaining to West Parry Sound region, encompassing the area between 12 Mile Bay and the French River. WPSGN is comprised of Municip ...
Whitestone Public Library & Technology CentreWhitestone Public library offering: * books, magazines * Ebook and audiobook downloads * interlibrary loan service * DVD movies and series * Study and meeting rooms Technology Services: * computer and tablet use ...