Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Archipelago (The). Municipal OfficeParry Sound The Township was created from the amalgamation of the Townships of Harrison, Shawanaga, Cowper and Conger * It includes the lakes of Healey, Kapikog, Crane, Blackstone, Three Legged, Rock Island, Nai ...
Armour. Municipal OfficeBurk's Falls Municipal office for Armour Township. Departments and services: * Administration * By-Law Enforcement : property standards, animal control, outdoor burning, building permits * Building * Planning * Co ...
Callander. Municipal OfficeCallander Municipal office for Callander, departments include: Administration Policies and By-Laws Bylaw Enforcement Officer 705-752-1410 ext 233 * Animal Control * Tree cutting * Discharge of firearms * Open a ...
Kearney. Municipal OfficeKearney Municipal office for the Town of Kearney. Departments and Services: * By-laws * Building Department * Clerk's office * Fire and Emergency services * Parks and Recreation * Finance/Treasury/Tax Departm ...
Magnetawan. Municipal OfficeMagnetawan Administers services and facilities for the municipality: * Applications / Licences / Permits * By-laws * Building * Planning & Zoning * Clerk's office * Fire Department * Recreation * Treasury * Land ...
Parry Sound. Municipal OfficeParry Sound Municipal Office for the Town of Parry Sound * Roads, Sidewalks and Boulevards : 705-746-2101 After Hours emergencies 705-746-1404 * maintenance of roads, street lights, traffic lights, sidewalks, sn ...
Perry. Municipal OfficePerry Administers services and facilities for the municipality such as: * Administration and Clerk's Department * Public works * Garbage and Recycling * Recreation and Leisure * Building * Land Use Planning ...
Powassan. Municipal OfficePowassan Municipal office for the Municipality of Powassan Departments: * Treasury Department * Building Department * Planning Department * Public Works Department: general inquiries including water and sewer ...
Ryerson. Municipal OfficeBurk's Falls Municipal office and council offices Offers the following services and departments: * Animal Control Offices and By-law Enforcement * Caitlin Deevey: 705-497-4959 * Animal Shelter: 705-645-6225 (Brace ...
Township of Nipissing. Municipal OfficeNipissing Municipal government for the Township of Nipissing. Responsible for: * Administration * Animal Control * Building Department * By-law enforcement * Emergency Management * Fire Department * Planning * ...