Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Arthritis Society CanadaToronto Downtown Central Funds and promotes arthritis education, research-based solutions and community-based support Education, programs and support to people living with arthritis: Arthritis Rehabilitation and Education Pro ...
Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf, Parry Sound, Ontario Camp of the DeafParry Sound Bob Rumball Camp for the Deaf, hard of hearing and multiply challenged young people. * Programs for children in high school, elementary and special needs programs are offered each summer. * A year rou ...
Camp KirkKawartha Lakes An overnight camp for kids and youth with designed for kids with ADHD, autism, learning disabilities and other exceptionalities. Our programs are designed specifically for kids and youth with autism, ...
Camp OochigeasSeguin A privately funded, volunteer-based organization that provides kids affected by childhood cancer with unique opportunities for growth through challenging, fun, enriching and magical experiences at no ...
Camp Trillium Childhood Cancer Support CentreHamilton Runs recreational camps and activities. Residential camp locations: Camp Trillium Oddfellow & Rebekah Island is on West Lake near Picton Ontario. Rainbow Lake Camp is on Rainbow Lake, in Waterford Ont ...
CNIB Foundation [Central East], Lake Joseph CentreGeorgian Bay Township Offers a summer camp to people of all ages who are partially sighted, blind or deafblind. Provides a blend of recreation and skills development programs in a safe, inclusive environment. Vision loss r ...
Diabetes Canada, D-Camps OntarioHuntsville Diabetes Canada operates 9 Overnight Camps, 10 Family Camps and various Leadership Development Programs across Canada. All D-Camps programs aim to provide children living with type 1 diabetes with opp ...
Hands, Parry Sound, Autism ServicesParry Sound Offers a flexible, broad range of evidence-based services and helps to design a family plan that best meets the needs across the lifespan. Autism Services now available: * Behaviour Assessment and Con ...
Hands, Powassan, Autism ServicesPowassan Offers a flexible, broad range of evidence-based services and helps to design a family plan that best meets the needs across the lifespan. Autism Services now available: * Behaviour Assessment and Con ...
Hands, Sundridge, Autism ServicesSundridge Offers a flexible, broad range of evidence-based services and helps to design a family plan that best meets the needs across the lifespan. Autism Services now available: * Behaviour Assessment and Con ...
Hidden Bay Outdoor Education CentreMcDougall Providing outdoor and leadership programs, accommodations and food catering for school, church, professional and corporate groups. * In Jul-Aug, Hidden Bay Leadership Camp, for children age 7-15, an o ...
Ontario Camps AssociationToronto Publishes online Camps Guide of accredited day and residential camps for children and youth, including camps for children with special needs and camps with subsidies * online job board * training eve ...
YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka, Mailing Address, Day CampsInnisfil Offers summer day camps for children 4-12 years of age * children aged 4-5 yrs can register for Summer Kids Club at various licenced child care locations * children aged 6-12 yrs can register for Day ...