Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Almaguin Highlands Community Living, SundridgeSundridge Programs include residential and community participation supports: * Two group homes in Powassan. * Enhanced Support Independent Living Program in Sundridge * Supported Independent Living Program prov ...
Community Living Parry Sound, Parry SoundParry Sound Support that promotes the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities and their families in all areas of community life. CLPS has services for adults, children and youth, and employment. Supp ...
Friends (The), Community and Health Care Services, District of Muskoka, District of MuskokaGravenhurst Provides support services for individuals with physical disabilities as well as frail, elderly seniors, and those living with age related dementia. Programs and services include: 24 hour Attendant Car ...
Friends (The), Community and Health Care Services, Parry Sound, Parry SoundParry Sound Services for persons requiring long term health care support to promote independence and quality of life including: 24 Hour Assisted Living: for frail, high-risk seniors requiring services to prevent ...
Friends (The), Muskoka & Parry Sound Caregiver's Support Network, Parry SoundParry Sound Provides support to family and friends involved in caring for individuals who are disabled, chronically ill, frail or elderly. Caregiver services include: * education, training, information and referr ...
Near North Palliative Care Network, Almaguin Palliative Care TeamNorth Bay Provide compassionate supportive care for dying people and their families, living in the Almaguin area. Services include: * psychosocial support from trained volunteers * act as advocates, friends, su ...