OFSC District 7 | Bracebridge |
Provides administration to all snowmobile clubs within the Muskoka Region |
Oasis Centre des femmes | Toronto |
Resource centre for francophone women |
OCASI - Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, NewYouth.ca | Ontario |
Website with information and resources for newcomer youth in Ontario on topics: * daily life * school including student financial aid * work * immigration * health ... |
Office of the Fire Marshal, Gravenhurst, Public Safety Training Division - Ontario Fire College Resource Centre | Gravenhurst |
Materials are only available to Ontario Fire College faculty and students, as well as members of the Ontario Fire Service public sector and broader public sector entities. Subject areas include: * fir ... |
Ombudsman Ontario | Toronto |
Independent legislative office mandated to investigate and resolve public complaints about Ontario government services |
One Kids Place Children's Treatment Centre, Parry Sound, Child and Youth Rehabilitation Services | Parry Sound |
Provides community based rehabilitation including occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy, therapeutic recreation and social work services for children and youth with physical, development ... |
Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres, Parry Sound Clinic | Parry Sound |
Methadone clinic, maintenance programs and counseling to those who can't stop abusing opiates |
Ontario Association of Optometrists, Eye See...Eye Learn | Toronto Downtown Central |
2023-24 School Year – children born in 2018 or 2019 are eligible * parents of children can book eye exam appointments for their child with a participating optometrist * eye exams are free through OHIP ... |
Ontario Camps Association | Toronto |
Publishes online Camps Guide of accredited day and residential camps for children and youth, including camps for children with special needs and camps with subsidies * online job board * training eve ... |
Ontario Civilian Police Commission | Toronto |
On April 1, 2024, the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA) came into force and the Police Services Act (PSA) was repealed. The Ontario Civilian Police Commission cannot accept any new appea ... |
Ontario College Application Service | Guelph |
College application service for Ontario's publicly funded Colleges |
Ontario Dental Association | Toronto Downtown North |
Voluntary, not-for-profit association supporting its member dentists * promotes optimal oral health for the people of Ontario * website provides dental tips for all ages, find a dentist function and o ... |
Ontario Energy Board | Toronto |
Independent regulatory body overseeing the electricity and natural gas sector in Ontario, including utilities |
Ontario Energy Board (Central East) | Toronto |
Utility assistance |
Ontario Energy Board (Central East), Central East Ontario - No Physical Address, Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) - Central East Application Sites | Toronto |
The Ontario Energy Board's Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) provides financial assistance for individuals experiencing difficulty paying their current arrears. LEAP applicants no longer nee ... |
Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy | Etobicoke North |
Support and services to people in Ontario with cerebral palsy * assists member groups in the development and provision of services and programs including accommodation * advocates and promotes awarene ... |
Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents | |
* Provides information about home learning * Enables networking among its members * Serves as an advocacy group and link between the homeschooling community and the provincial government * Open to al ... |
Ontario Fencing Association | Toronto |
Provincial governing body for sport of fencing in Ontario * there is no fencing club in Barrie * the nearest fencing club is in Newmarket, check Association's website for Clubs in Ontario ... |
Ontario Health - Trillium Gift of Life Network | Toronto Downtown Central |
Plans, promotes, coordinates and supports organ and tissue donation across Ontario * coordinates the retrieval and distribution of organs and tissues * organizes public and medical education and aware ... |
Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council | Toronto |
Administer and enforces Motor Vehicle Dealers Act (MVDA) * ensures registration of dealers and salespersons * inspects dealerships * receives consumer complaints * conducts investigations and prosecu ... |
Ontario Nature | Toronto Downtown |
Activities include: * preserving Ontario's irreplaceable northern wilderness * supporting local community action to protect Ontario's remnant southern forests and their biodiversity * advocating an ec ... |
Ontario Northland, Huntsville, Ticket agent, Huntsville | Huntsville |
Ticket agent for Ontario Northland bus service * Provides scheduled passenger motor coach services for travel to and from northern Ontario * Coaches are also available for group charter * Also offers ... |
Ontario Northland, Parry Sound, Bus Stop, Parry Sound | Parry Sound |
Bus stop for Ontario Northland bus service |
Ontario Nurses' Association, Orillia, Regional Office | Orillia |
Union for nurses - bargains on behalf of those nurses and allied health professionals who are employed in health care agencies (hospitals, health units, nursing homes, homes for the aged, industry) wh ... |
Ontario Parole Board, Victim Support | Toronto |
Independent, quasi-judicial agency is one of five tribunals in the Safety, Licensing Appeals and Standards Tribunals Ontario (SLASTO) cluster. Ontario Parole Board is responsible for provincial parole ... |
Ontario Poison Centre | Toronto Downtown Central |
Toll-free telephone information and advice about potential or real exposures to poisonous substances * services available daily 24 hours and in more than 170 languages * collects information on poison ... |
Ontario Provincial Police, Burk's Falls, Almaguin Highlands Detachment | Burk's Falls |
Responsible for policing the Burk's Falls area including law and enforcement, search and rescue, safety and crime prevention programs, and educational services. Text to 9-1-1 service available for per ... |
Ontario Provincial Police, Orillia - Memorial, General Headquarters | Orillia |
The OPP is a division of the Ministry of the Solicitor General , the largest operational ministry in the province with a presence in every community across Ontario. The OPP is the largest police serv ... |
Ontario Provincial Police, Parry Sound, West Parry Sound Detachment | Parry Sound |
Patrols provincial highways and bodies of water. Enforces laws concerning vehicle traffic, liquor, gambling, and illegal drugs under provincial statutes and criminal code. Informs citizens on crime pr ... |
Ontario Provincial Police, Powassan, Powassan Detachment | Powassan |
Detachment personnel provide enforcement and investigative policing services. Text to 9-1-1 service available for persons who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired. Eligible individuals must pr ... |
Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Bracebridge, Muskoka Animal Centre | Bracebridge |
Ontario SPCA and Humane Society is a registered charity, established in 1873. The Society and its network of animal welfare communities facilitate and provide for province-wide leadership on matters r ... |
Ontario Track3 Adaptive Sports Association, Toronto - Administrative Office | Toronto |
Offers ski and snowboard instruction to children and youth with disabilities Administrative office is located in Etobicoke but lessons are conducted at several ski hills all over Ontario ... |
Ontario Universities' Application Centre | Guelph |
Key function is the processing of applications for admission to: * Ontario's universities * Ontario Medical Schools * Ontario Law Schools * Ontario Rehabilitation Sciences Programs * Ontario Facultie ... |
Ontario Water Centre (The) | Georgina |
ClearWater Farm is the flagship project of Ontario Water Centre * an educational farm showcasing regenerative agriculture practices that also protect the health of the land and Lake Simcoe * offers ed ... |
Ontario. Members of Provincial Parliament, Parry Sound-Muskoka Riding - Bracebridge Office, Provincial Constituency Office - Graydon Smith | Bracebridge |
Advocacy and assistance with all Ontario provincial ministries and programs for example Ontario works, ODSP, Health and Long Term Care * consultation on matters of local interest * congratulatory mess ... |
Ontario. Members of Provincial Parliament, Parry Sound-Muskoka Riding - Parry Sound Office, Provincial Constituency Office - Graydon Smith | Parry Sound |
Advocacy and assistance with all Ontario provincial ministries and programs for example Ontario works, ODSP, Health and Long Term Care * consultation on matters of local interest * congratulatory mess ... |
Ontario. Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility | Toronto |
Oversees compliance with and enforcement of Ontario's accessibility laws, develops and maintains accessibility standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), supports d ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Ontario Autism Program | Toronto |
Family Services and Training: families receive information and training within their community; may include workshops, seminars, consultations and information about autism spectrum disorders, and Ont ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Parry Sound Office, Youth Justice Services | Parry Sound |
Probation services include supervision of young persons in conflict with the law between ages of 12 and 17 at the time of the offence. Supervises court orders. |
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Post Adoption Disclosure Unit | Toronto |
Voluntary adoption disclosure registry offering searches for various types of information, including: * severe medical search for essential family health information * privacy and contact preferences ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Family Responsibility Office | Toronto |
Enforcement of new or revised court orders or domestic contract/agreements * action taken includes including garnishment of wages, collection of income tax refunds and Employment Insurance (EI) benefi ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Program | Toronto |
Information and referral to community support services to meet long term needs including crisis and follow-up services Member agency of Support Services Network for Male Survivors in Ontario ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Community and Social Services, Bracebridge Office, Income and Employment Supports - Ontario Disability Support Program | Bracebridge |
A provincial program that provides income and employment supports to persons with disabilities who are in need of financial assistance. |
Ontario. Ministry of Education, Central East Region, Child Care Quality Assurance and Licensing | Toronto |
Licences and inspects all group child care programs including child care centres and home child care agencies * online child care finder includes licensing reports * assesses licensed programs in acco ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, Parry Sound District Office, Southern Region | Parry Sound |
Ministry of Natural resources. Call in case of forest fire. Fishing, hunting, wildlife, exporting and lands and waters services offered at this office. |
Ontario. Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, Peterborough - Mailing Address, Natural Resources Information and Support Centre | Peterborough |
Not a walk-in customer service counter Provides free information by phone, teletype and email to the public about Ministry of Natural Resources programs and services. Topics of interest include: * hu ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Government and Consumer Services. Consumer Protection Ontario | Toronto |
Public information and advice on consumer rights and responsibilities, complaints and consumer protection legislation * attempts to mediate complaints arising from regulated sectors of the marketplace ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Public Health Care | Toronto Downtown Central |
Responsible for administering and coordinating the health care system and providing services to the Ontario public through such programs as health insurance, drug benefits, assistive devices, care for ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Trillium Drug Program | Etobicoke |
Provides funding to cover the costs of prescription drugs listed in the Ontario Drug Benefit Formulary/Exceptional Access Program to Ontario residents who have high prescription drugs costs in relatio ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Health Care Connect | Toronto Downtown Central |
Ontarians can receive assistance finding a family physician or nurse practitioner accepting new patients through the phone service (not available over chat) Register for Health Care Connect and a nurs ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Health811 | Toronto Downtown Central |
Free, secure and confidential service Ontarians can access by calling, chatting online or visiting the service's website 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Through the service, Ontarians can receive h ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Ontario's Fertility Program | Toronto Downtown Central |
Program covers eligible people looking to conceive or expand their families * fertility program offers artificial insemination (including intra-uterine insemination), one cycle of in-vitro fertilizati ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Sexual Health Infoline Ontario | Toronto Downtown |
Province-wide free anonymous counselling, information and referrals to sexual health clinics and community agencies on HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, birth control options, sexual orientat ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Smoking Cessation Program | Toronto Downtown Central |
Smoking cessation program available to recipients of Ontario Drug Benefits (ODB) * eligible people can visit pharmacists within their community * pharmacists create a smoking cessation plan with the p ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Assistive Devices Program | North York Central |
Financial assistance to Ontario residents with long term physical disabilities for assistive devices essential for independent living Pays a percentage or fixed amount of the cost of equipment * 8,000 ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Home Oxygen Therapy | North York Central |
Government program which pays for oxygen and oxygen delivery equipment (100% for adults 65 and older, those on social assistance, or residing in a long-term care homes and 75% for all others), such as ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Ontario Public Drug Programs | Etobicoke |
Partial funding to cover the costs of prescription drugs listed in the Ontario Drug Benefit Formulary * includes nutrition products and diabetic testing agents * prescriptions for listed drugs must be ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Ontario Health Insurance Plan | Toronto Downtown Central |
Publicly-funded health insurance program open to residents of Ontario * hospital and physician services are paid directly by the Ministry of Health To replace a health card, contact ServiceOntario Ser ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Dental Care For Low-Income Seniors | Toronto |
Dental care program funded by the Provincial government * provides free, routine dental services for low income adults who are 65 years of age or older * coverage period ends yearly on July 31, no mat ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development. Employment Practices Branch | Toronto |
Administers and enforces the Employment Standards Act, 2000 |
Ontario. Ministry of Long-Term Care, Long-Term Care Family Support and Action Line | Toronto Downtown Central |
Government service concerning long-term care homes in Ontario * handles concerns and registers complaints about long-term care homes * initial calls or written complaints are answered by ACTION Line s ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Long-Term Care, Reports on Long-Term Care Homes | Toronto Downtown Central |
Website with information for older adults and their families about individual homes and their records of care Profiles of each home include the location, number of beds and ownership * site also outli ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Rental Housing Enforcement Unit | Toronto |
Regulates the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in residential properties * responds to complaints about offences under the Residential Tenancies Act * investigates complaints up t ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry, Southern Region - Peterborough | Peterborough |
Administrative office overseeing the operations and activities of the district offices within the region. |
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Parry Sound - 82 James St, Victim / Witness Assistance Program | Parry Sound |
Information and assistance to support participation in and understanding of the criminal court process. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is over. Service ... |
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Parry Sound - 89 James St - Court House, Ontario and Superior Court of Justice | Parry Sound |
Ontario Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice for the Parry Sound district. Services include: * Criminal court * Civil court * Family Court * Enforcement * Small Claims Court * Ontario Victim ... |
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General. Justice Ontario | Toronto |
Online legal information -- finding a lawyer, tickets and fines, lawsuits and disputes, family and criminal law, human rights, wills and estates Does not provide legal advice ... |
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General. Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee | Toronto |
Manages financial and/or personal affairs of persons who are mentally incapable where no one else is able to do so * makes medical treatment decisions for persons who are mentally incapable where no o ... |
Ontario. Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, Spills Action Centre | Toronto |
Emergency service * monitoring of spills and coordination of emergency response * anonymous pollution reporting * blue-green algae information and reporting * addresses after-hours environmental emer ... |
Ontario. Ministry of the Solicitor General, Huntsville, Probation and Parole Services | Huntsville |
Provides community supervision and enforces court orders regarding adult probationers, Provincial parolees, and conditional sentences * Provides counselling and guidance to clients * Referrals to appr ... |
Ontario. Ministry of the Solicitor General, Parry Sound, Probation and Parole Services | Parry Sound |
Provides community supervision and enforces court orders regarding adult probationers, Provincial parolees, and conditional sentences * Provides counselling and guidance to clients * Referrals to appr ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Transportation, Adopt-A-Highway, Huntsville Area Office | Huntsville |
Adopt-a-Highway - King's Highways only. A public service program for volunteers to enhance the local litter collection activities of the Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) by picking litter alon ... |
Ontario. Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry, Parry Sound District Office, Southern Region | Parry Sound |
Ministry of Natural resources * Call in case of forest fire * Fishing, hunting, wildlife, exporting and lands and waters services offered at this office |
Ontario. Office of the Worker Adviser, Scarborough Office, Ontario. Office of the Worker Adviser, Scarborough Office | Toronto |
Advocacy, advice, education and representation: * summary advice and representation through all stages of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board claims process or the Workplace Safety and Insurance ... |
Operational Stress Injury Social Support Services, Central Ontario Region | Adjala-Tosorontio |
Offers resources of support programs for Armed Forces members, Veterans and their families and friends Peer Support For members of the Canadian Armed Forces and Veterans who have sustained an Operati ... |
Osteoporosis Canada [Central East], Simcoe Muskoka - Mailing Address, Simcoe Muskoka Chapter | Clearview (Simcoe County) |
Educates, empowers and supplies individuals and communities in the risk reduction and treatment of Osteoporosis by raising awareness, promoting better bone health, educating health care professionals, ... |
Ovarian Cancer Canada | Toronto Downtown |
Ovarian Cancer Canada champions the health and well-being of women with ovarian cancer and others at risk of this disease by * advocating for and advancing research to develop new treatment options a ... |