Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Health Care ConnectToronto Downtown Central Ontarians can receive assistance finding a family physician or nurse practitioner accepting new patients through the phone service (not available over chat) Register for Health Care Connect and a nurs ...
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Health811Toronto Downtown Central Free, secure and confidential service Ontarians can access by calling, chatting online or visiting the service's website 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Through the service, Ontarians can receive h ...
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Ontario's Fertility ProgramToronto Downtown Central Program covers eligible people looking to conceive or expand their families * fertility program offers artificial insemination (including intra-uterine insemination), one cycle of in-vitro fertilizati ...
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Sexual Health Infoline OntarioToronto Downtown Province-wide free anonymous counselling, information and referrals to sexual health clinics and community agencies on HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, birth control options, sexual orientat ...
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Smoking Cessation ProgramToronto Downtown Central Smoking cessation program available to recipients of Ontario Drug Benefits (ODB) * eligible people can visit pharmacists within their community * pharmacists create a smoking cessation plan with the p ...